The ultimate Spam & Virus filter for corporate email

L O G I N    H E R E
  L A T E S T   V I R A

  C U R R E N T   F L O W

Time is money
Stop wasting corporate time on Virus & Spam

  • Reliable email scanning
  • Feature rich services
  • Available worldwide
  • Huge infrastructure

What is SpamMaster

SpamMaster works as a filter between the internet and your mailserver. All emails will be scanned and it will be determined if the email is Spam, Virus or a legit email, based on more than 2500 tests made on every single email.

You will be able to view and release all processed emails, see statistics and customise your email filter to fit your company policy and wishes.

SpamMaster can also work as an Email Backup HUB, where all your emails will be stored in our network for you to fetch at a later time, if you need it.

SpamMaster tests millions of emails every week and has an extensive infrastructure to handle any email load of the future.



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